Its the Final Countdown …. doo da dooo dooooooo

Yeah, so I am changing jobs if you have not been told yet. I put in my 2 weeks notice last friday, and I’m assuming that I should be gone by tomorrow.


There is my countdown number, 1 day left. =) To make it fun, my co-workers have had me playing my theme song when i walk into the office. Right now it is “The Final Countdown”, but it might be “another one bites the dust”. =)

So my last few things will be as-builts and finishing up my last projects.


Then I went to the chiropractic college to get my neck checked out. I think I am having some strain left over from parkour from last month when i missed a flip. So currently, my neck has been pretty sore, and still popping, so i wanted to see if they could fix anything. Kind of interesting seeing a in training student work on my body. -), at least she hasn’t messed me up.


So i have been trying to study more for my P.E. test. Was at the Eon cafe drinking lemonade and eating a cheesecake. =)


I went to a taqueria, and the painting on the wall makes me want to paint my room like that. =)

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