Currently, at the hanger I only have a red badge. So we can’t do half the stuff we want to do there. I need around 2 more hours before I can actually take the yellow badge test. I was at the hanger today working on the power assist wagon project for 406. My lab partner and I made some holes in the wagon’s handle, and deburred the holes.
I don’t really like the safety glasses that they provide up there at the hanger, so I went online to buy more safety glasses. Those things are really cheap, I found a pair for 2 dollars, so I bought 3 pairs of safety glasses, because the shipping was 5 dollars. And it would be more fitting if I paid more for my parts then I paid for shipping.
That controls test I took today wasn’t pretty. I only knew how to do 2/3 of the homework problems. So on the test I knew only how to do 2/3 of the problems. =(. And i made some mistakes left and right, so I’m hoping that everyone else didn’t do as hot either.
My lab partner left me a message before the test on my phone saying that we would meet to work on our project after class. I’m sitting around taking the test, and I don’t see him around. Then I go to wait for him at the lab, and I don’t see him for 20 minutes. So I assume that he isn’t showing up, or is taking the test the next hour. With that, I decide to work on 406 and walk to my car to grab my parts. Just as I get to the structure, I run into him. I then found out that he took his test in the DRC, because he gets really bad test anxiety, he took around 1.75 hours on the test.
Today was one of those days when I knew woke up and I could already imagine what would be happening. My alarm awoke me at 8:50 am, and I’m thinking to myself “i’m really tired, and I’m going to sleep, just by doing that the teacher is going to be giving out a pop quiz today”. To my prediction, the class I did skip, the teacher gave a pop quiz (a very easy one), and I just have to laugh at myself because it is just too funny. That was my second skipped class of the quarter.