To prepare for Alan’s Walkoff and the Softball BBQ. I worked in my garage and started to make planter boxes. So I went to Home Depot and made planter boxes. Sherri helped me, so it was fun watching her cut wood. It came out pretty close. So right now I am filling it with rabbit poop and hay. I also bought these outdoor lights from amazon, so I am starting to work on my backyard. It is looking kind of pretty!
This bench, I found 2×4 making an old bench at my dad’s house,s so I broke off that old bench after dinner at my parents house day. and built a new one with new wood. Then I varnished it later with the help of Chosen.
It will be really awesome. when I am fully done. I want my backyard to be like a secret garden.
I also finished building a projection screen for the blackout cloth I have. It took me a while to set up the PVC, and everything is tied down with strings and red bricks. The next thing I will be looking at is a fire pit. Then adding more plants to the front of my yard.
It will be so pretty
I also bought a crappy projector from amazon, so I returned it because it was 640*480, and the colors were really off. So it was terrible, then I looked around to return it. It was interesting to see how amazon had 3 different models all on the same page. So that threw me off. Returning things on amazon is so easy.