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Today was another jam pack day of excitement. In the morning, we had the AACF picnic. So I woke up extra early, so I could go and pick people up from the admin. But unfortunately, I was there with Jeff and i’m blanking on the other guys name. And only 5 out of 11 freshmen showed up. So I didn’t get to drive anyone to the picnic =(. But I’m okay with that.

The park was fun, but I hate chugging soda in the obstacle race, because I had so much air in my stomach. I thought I could fly like in Charlie and the chocolate factory when they drank the soda. Too bad that not as many people at AACF like to play softball/baseball. I played catch with some people, and it sucks that I have one of the stronger arms compared to everyone else. Because that means everyone else doesn’t play baseball, because almost every guy at AACF must weigh more than me, and have more muscle. (or I could be mistaking fat and flab for muscle. Art and Ed did a good job bbqing, and I found out that the veggie burgers tasted like egg rolls to me.

I watched “the departed” with people from AACF at night. It was pretty good, but my imagination was running wild after the movie. As I was walking into my place (my roommate had driven separately) I opened the door and I was imagining, what if there was a guy sitting in the chair waiting for me to walk in so he could shoot me. So I peek my head around in one room and open the lights, and I do it for the other side. Then my imagination stopped thinking about mafia.

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