A lot of fun things have been built and done in Sherri’s Maker Shed. Right now, Sherri and I have been filming the children church sunday videos from the shed. The nice thing about the shed is that it is very different from our house and it holds all the fun trinkets that Sherri has accumulated. Let me tell you what I have added/done.

One of the most time consuming thing I did in Sherri’s shed was paint the ceiling. It took me almost 6 weekends to paint the ceiling. The reason it took so long was that I initially had to stain all the wood trusses going up the side. Stain doesn’t like to stand sideways and upside down on the wood.
Then after staining the wood, I went and painted everything white. I think I averaged around 2 panels an hour. Where I would set up all the tape, and then paint. It was pretty tough painting looking up, it makes me wonder how someone like michaelango did the sistine chapel staring up for over a year.
But once the white was up, I had to go back again and make sure everything was touched up and cleaned. This took me a week to fix.

Sherri has been into the “buy nothing” facebook group, so we have picked up random things to put in the shed. The selves you see in front of you, is actually one big shelf with a lot of different slots. I had to cut the depth of the cabinet in half. So that gave me 2 cabinent shelves I could hang up.
I also made a really nice long thin shelf right near the top, so books and candles could be put up there.

On one of the walls, I put up a triangle shelf, and I left the other half of the wall open. This would allow me to make thicker shelving, so I could put art paper, and thicker items up against the exterior wall.

I ended up putting up peg board on the window side, so sherri could hang things up on the wall. Once everything was added in, it felt like a very nice and cozy place to work in. The window that is not clear, faces a peach tree, and looks really pretty when it is open.
Finally, I’ve also added solar power to the shed. There are solar power lights that turn on based on motion when it is dark. Then I have a 12VDC to 120VAC adapter, that can supply up to 130 watts for running items in the shed. Currently, sherri only uses100 watts to run a light, a fan, and a sewing machine at max.
I think overall, this shed has been really great learning experience for me. I learned up to be a better woodworker, I also realized just how construction of a house is not as hard as I thought it is, but it just requires you to make sure you measure everything twice, which is what makes it really hard. It takes so long to make things nice, that it sucks to make mistakes and have to scrap wood, or throw things away.
This is one of the best things I’ve done with Sherri’s Dad, and I really enjoyed the building process.

Almost forgot, I took down the door in my pantry closet and made it into shutters for the shed, and mounted this really beautiful planter box onto the shed.