
So those people from the hong kong mission trip left our house today. It much more quieter now and my sister has been sleeping most of the day. She was telling me how those girls stayed up almost all night and wake up earlier then me. (4am to 7am) That’s there sleeping schedule.

I start my job tomorrow, so I went shopping for food to get myself ready for it. I also dropped by the library, because I’m going to need something to do during my one hour lunch break. Since I’m next to the marsh, I think I might go take a walk and sit next to the marshlands and read during my lunch hour.

Today was one of the first days I went to buy food from Safeway during the middle of hte afternoon. (1:00am) and I felt so out of place, because all I saw were old people and females shopping for food. Then I go to the library after to pick up some random reading material.

You know what I don’t like. I don’t like how my sister likes to take a nap on my bed. Because I want to take a nap also, but she’s sleeping on my bed and I don’t want to push her off. So I just lay on the carpet and sleep on the floor.

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