Random Email of a meetup with girls post

So I usually don’t post about what happens on my meetup with girls, but sometimes stories are just too funny/awkward that after thinking about it. I should post it. My friend wanted to hear about the 2 bad meetups that I had last month, so I emailed it, and thought might as well post it on here to pad my blog.

So here are my two stories for you that you will enjoy reading. Or i think you should, but if it is bad, i’ll allow you to come over and beat me down.


Girl number one – I’ll call her G1

I have no idea why i even met up with her, but I guess I was hoping that my one conversation with her on the phone was just a fluke. It seemed like she talked really soft, and I didn’t really understand her that well. So kind of an awkward conversation. However, she wanted me to meet up with her, so I decided I would.

It was a sunday, and I texted her at church to ask her what time I should come and pick her up. She calls me, and I say “i’ll call you back later, i’m teaching Children Sunday School”. Red flag number one, I only talked to her on the phone 2 times, and pretty short emails. 15 minutes later while I am teaching the class, I feel a text message come into me while teaching, so i ignore it and continue teaching class. So I get another text message 5 minutes later, so during the time while the kids are doing their work I take a peak at the text message. It goes “Wow, you would rather go play/teach kids instead of talk to me on the phone?” This perplexed me, but I wanted to meet her now to see if she really was that messed up to say that to me. =)

So I’m going home and she says she is kind of sick, but says I could bring her some cough syrup and we can do go out and eat. I go to her place in San Jose and I bring a bottle of cough syrup with me. First thing is that her parents have a massage place in a pretty bad part of town. Some old crazy lady speaking spanish comes up to me and starts bothering me, I think she is talking about God because she kept on saying “Dios”. =)

The girl lives in the house/building. I knock on her brother’s door first, and he tells me to go to the other door. So as I’m trying to figure out a place to park, I hear her saying something to me outside the window, but I can’t hear her. She is speaking really soft saying “park there”, so I park and she goes “you aren’t that great at following instructions are you?”. Then I said “I brought some medicine”, and the girl went “You are a liar, you did not bring me coughing medicine and some noodles”. I was so shocked that she accused me of lying, when I just met her and didn’t even have a chance to take out the medicine from my trunk. =)

This was around 6pm, and she sounded kind of sick, so I said “why don’t i just reschedule, and she went ‘no, I promised I would go, so I will go'”.

So we go eat food, and throughout the night, she is telling me about herself, all i see is red flags. This girl ran away from home a month ago, and hates her parents. Her brother bullies her, and there are several other things that makes her have trust issues. Also she says she works out 4-5 times a week, but I have no idea what her workout is because it doesn’t look like she works out that often from her figure. =)

Then when I was driving back, she got mad at me because I stopped at yellow lights instead of trying to run them. She went “What are you doing, you make me scared that you don’t know what you are driving when you stop at yellow lights instead of running them, this is san jose!”. I was really pissed then, but  didn’t know what to say, so I kept my mouth shut. I drop her back off at 7pm, and say “thanks, have a good night”, then got out of there as fast as I could and went to my friends house to eat ice cream with warm cookies. =)

… Fast forward 2 weeks later, I think i texted her once just to see how she was doing. Best part was that she said “i’m busy, i’ll talk to you when I am free”. So she texts, and leaves me a message a week later. However, that day I am just really busy with family stuff and was out and about so I don’t have time to respond back (I have my stupid phone at this moment, so it is much harder to respond back”. So I come home late and go to sleep, and wake up the next day to get into work. So I was going to text her back after work, however during the middle of the day I get a text from her saying “oh, if you don’t want to talk to me, i’m going to unfriend you. Goodbye”. =) I never texted her back, would not want to stand within 15 feet of her.


So this girl i met was named W, we talked on gchat a couple times. She sounded okay, I didn’t really want to meet her, but she asked if I wanted to meet her. So I thought, i think I can survive a meet up with her. When we were talking online, the coversation flowed pretty well, and she seemed to understand. She said “i might not be able to understand as much on the meetup”, so I said “okay, cool. We will make funny faces at each other ^_^’   “. I thought she was joking about her english being really bad.

I go and meet her, and I instantly am dissapointed. Hahaha, the reason is that she has the same facial structure as my housemate (who is still in the doghouse with me). If you took his face and put long hair, then you would get her. =( So I guess the other reason was because she looked kind of “plain”, the style of clothes she wore just made her look dull. You looked much better than her by a million, =), hahah nothing really stood out about her appearance.

So I start to talk to her, and now I understand why she said “we might have to make funny faces at each other”. I think she understood 35% of the stuff I said, I was talking about the football game. She had no idea what “football” was, and I had to point on the tv, and she still didn’t know what it was. I was eating at a pizza place. =)

She actually pulled out her labtop to have it translate for her, which made it look really weird. So I would just use the google translator on my phone to figure out words. Like “Kayak, BBQ” and certain other words. I also think she was really nervous (must have been because of my good looks 😉    However, I think 15 minutes into eating, the girl went “yeah, you look kind of disappointed that you came all the way down here to eat with me, why?”. Since she was so straightforward, I told her what turned me off. “Poor Communication, and she looked like my housemate”. 🙂

Not sure how I even got through the pizza, I actually took a lot of it home.

Then the best part of the night was I said “thanks for the night”. The girl went “Thanks for taking your time, we can be friends and chat on gchat”. Then the awkward moment came, I don’t know how she wanted to end the night, but I was going to give her a hug. Just for being a good sport that night. I’m not sure if she knew how to hug, because she didn’t open her arms and kind of just walked into me. Felt really awkward, I would describe that hug more like a chest bump. It felt more like someone running into my chest then boucing back. However since we were both not jumping and/or in that chest bump position, it didn’t look cool.So this girl i met was named Wendi, we talked on gchat a couple times. She sounded okay, I didn’t really want to meet her, but she asked if I wanted to meet her. So I thought, i think I can survive a meet up with her. When we were talking online, the coversation flowed pretty well, and she seemed to understand. She said “i might not be able to understand as much on the meetup”, so I said “okay, cool. We will make funny faces at each other ^_^’   “. I thought she was joking about her english being really bad.

I go and meet her, and I instantly am dissapointed. Hahaha, the reason is that she has the same facial structure as my housemate (who is still in the doghouse with me). If you took his face and put long hair, then you would get her. =( So I guess the other reason was because she looked kind of “plain”, the style of clothes she wore just made her look dull. You looked much better than her by a million, =), hahah nothing really stood out about her appearance.

So I start to talk to her, and now I understand why she said “we might have to make funny faces at each other”. I think she understood 35% of the stuff I said, I was talking about the football game. She had no idea what “football” was, and I had to point on the tv, and she still didn’t know what it was. I was eating at a pizza place. =)

She actually pulled out her labtop to have it translate for her, which made it look really weird. So I would just use the google translator on my phone to figure out words. Like “Kayak, BBQ” and certain other words. I also think she was really nervous (must have been because of my good looks 😉    However, I think 15 minutes into eating, the girl went “yeah, you look kind of disappointed that you came all the way down here to eat with me, why?”. Since she was so straightforward, I told her what turned me off. “Poor Communication, and she looked like my housemate”. 🙂

Not sure how I even got through the pizza, I actually took a lot of it home.

Then the best part of the night was I said “thanks for the night”. The girl went “Thanks for taking your time, we can be friends and chat on gchat”. Then the awkward moment came, I don’t know how she wanted to end the night, but I was going to give her a hug. Just for being a good sport that night. I’m not sure if she knew how to hug, because she didn’t open her arms and kind of just walked into me. Felt really awkward, I would describe that hug more like a chest bump. It felt more like someone running into my chest then boucing back. However since we were both not jumping and/or in that chest bump position, it didn’t look cool.


What have I learned from those 2 meets

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