Last week’s PE Performance

So this blog post is actually written a week late, because I finally got the discipline to go back to blogging. That is a good thing because it means I will be doing magic tricks soon!!!

Anyways, when I passed the engineering licensing test, I got senioritist after that. It was terrible, worse that in high school. I think it was mostly because I had fulfilled my goal of 10 years. When I went into college, we talked about how we had to get the EIT, then become professional engineers. When I went to reviews with my manager, I would talk about in 5 years I would see myself as a PE. Then I reached it, and tada!


Here is the stamp I got. This stamp will never be used unless someone pays me to use it.

With that I also made a t-shirt for my part.



It says “you don’t schedule me, I schedule me”. This is the quote my co-worker once said when he misunderstood us trying to help him talk to the PM. We told him to tell the PM that he had other projects he had to work on too! But somehow it came out with my co-worker saying those two lines, and then hanging up on the Project Manager!


That was what I looked like during my party. I got a paper hat, a lei, a necklace with a glowing light.

It was an amazing party, I catered dickeys, had a champagne waterfall with blue plastic wine glasses, handed out “T-Shirts”, and made people go “Hands’-Up” so I could put the t-shirt on them. If they had a t-shirt already, I gave them something from my bag of crap.

There was a chair engineering game, and a marshmellow building one! I drank so much, that I don’t remember even drinking some of the times.

The next day after church, I played football with the guys, and half of them work the shirts I gave out. !


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