I’m working on my acoustic project report and homework. And homework is a pain, becuase i don’t know what i’m doing. So i’m just doing “on the fly” reading and homework. The good news is that I think everyone will get either an A or B in the class, because its a graduate level class.
And last night we were getting the freq response of the subwoofer. And it was really close, and we decided to test it out. So we put it back in evan’s car and played it loud. We forgot it was 9:30pm, in Morro Bay. So after 5 minutes, the guy’s whose house we were at remembered we might be making too much noise. So i think we played our music loud for 4 minutes to test it out. And the neighbor had already start calling. So Evan and the guy’s whose house we were at went over and apologized. No more bass mechanic playing in non college residential area.
I think Evan was playing the bass really loud because my ears hurt a little after i got back to my place. I pick a random CD, and it turned out to be AC/DC. And thunderstruck really sounded good in his car.
I finally saw my roommate. We thought he got lost or something, becuase we didn’t see him. And today he told us that he pulled an all nighter on thursday, and didn’t get back until friday afternoon. He also changed his phone number several days earlier, but didn’t have the chance to tell us yet.
Finally, I was watching the history channel. And they had declassified on. So i watched about Stalin, the Ayollotolla, and Tienamenen square. They were all interesting, watching how a single leader could rally support, or how an evil dictator could suppress people through fear. That’s what i noticed about a lot of the powerful dictators, if they wanted to control they all made a strong secret police that instill fear in people. Then I thought, would I be afraid if I lived in that area during that time? And the bible verses that always come to my mind the fastest are the ones that i sung as a little kid like Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous: do not be terrified do not be discourage”. Then I read about those kidnapped people in Iraq who were tortured and then killed. And it made me sad that they died. I wonder if a person laughed like it tickling while being tortured would the torturer get weirded out.
Time to go back to acoustic homework. I think i’ll end up doing all the homework wrong. (i haven’t gotten any right answers with the back of hte book yet. =)