I love celebrating 2 new years in a row. It means I get double the chance to restart some of my goals that I wanted to do at the beginning of the year. But I think i’ve been pretty good at keeping up. Here are the top 3 things I wanted to do by the end of this year. And 2 things I wanted to develop.
- List of Goodies
- Get a Professional Engineer Licensing
- Run a marathon
- develop a 15 minute stage magic show
Then there are the regular goals that I have for this year still, get better at guitar, learn more magic tricks, paint more, try to save up for a house (only problem is that none of my hobbies or dates earn me any money :] ).
So I might have to take what Dennis’s advice, I should walk around downtown SF with a hat and just start doing magic in the middle of the street. That might earn me some fun income to self-support the magic show. That is what i’m going to try to do this saturday, when I go to Vinesh’s house to acquire some curtains from his dad. I’ll have to do some magic tricks for him and Voila new curtains for my PVC backdrop.
Thinking of tricks, I always think of that one line from Arrested Development, when Gob tells Michael, “Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money… “. Because of that line my roommate in college always liked to joke with me about, I always start laughing if i say tricks, so I usually say “illusions”.
So back to Lunar New Year, I got to hang out at my grandma’s house with my relatives. My cousin brought over his alaskan klee kai, that dog is so cute. He told me how him and Liwen where walking down Santana Row and almost everyone stopped to comment about their dog and ask what it was. =) Now it makes me think I should get a dog or rabbit, whichever will attract the most females to me. =P