Dating Journal Post:

This was the most important thing I figured out from another date. I have figured out what I am doing wrong. The most important thing that I have been messing up on is not being mysterious enough.

I have been told I lay my cards out too early, and sometimes what I say might be construded as making it feel like “we are moving too fast”. Which I have to remember as the girl does not know that that well, so to me a question that doesn’t have any meaning to it, turns out to be something more signicant ;ike “if you had kids what would you name them?”.

Or the one that still made me :(, when I asked a date “what did you think about match?”. I didn’t think the girl would think about it for a couple days. Then say “I was thinking about it, and I find it really hard to meet people without knowing them, so I only see you as a brother in Chirst”. I would have had another date if i didn’t ask that question, because after that date she really liked it and wanted to have another one with me. 🙂


Anyways, I was working out at Google checking out boxes. That is stuff they pay grunts to do, but there is just not enough people so I had to do it. Do I like it? Not really, but it does help me be a better engineer.

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