Brad’s Bachelor Party (2 of 3 Posts)


Here is another pretty view from our hotel room.


Here is a daytime view of the infinity pool. Today we woke up pretty late, because of our late night out. So we had breakfast at around 10:30am, and their breakfast during the weekday sucked. Mostly because everything was cold, which means they must have cooked it at 7am. IMAG4070


Most random thing at this place was that I saw two people wear jerseys. A Mike Bibby Jersey, and  Kevin Johnson Jersey. As seen above. Smile IMAG4068

IMAG4073After Lunch we went do paddleboard. It was my first time, it was pretty fun. The bad thing about it, is that it is generally a really boring sport. Just because you are just standing up and slowly paddling around.

It wasn’t too hard of a skill to pick up, making sure you are balanced at the middle and then keep that center as you are paddling (2 paddles right, and 2 paddles left). I think I ate the water 8-10 times. Mostly because I got distracted by someone else falling off, so as I turned my head, I fell off too.

Neil lost his sunglasses, and ended up buying some more from those guys selling sunglasses on the beach. Later he came back and bought some cigars from the same guy and spent 130 us dollars on them. Sad smile We don’t think they were real cubans, and he overpaid.


Here is my unshapely and super pale body. Smile IMAG4081

We ate so much at the pool, got poolside pacificos. Also one of the things that we did was always order 10 quesadillas, 16 beers and 16 bottles of water. Everytime we ordered room service we got that.


The weather was awesome, and I could imagine just sitting out there all day. However, it was funny watching some of the old people sitting out there tanning. Their skin looked like rubber, and they were continuing to add on.


For night time, we ended up having dinner at the same place we had breakfast. The one thing that they made me do was magic for a group of asian ladies. It was hilarious, because I don’t know why I did it except for peer pressure. Ended up being a really good night showing that magic show, I got massive props.


Here is the walk back to the hotel room for our late night nap before going big in downtown.

This time we ended up at some club with a cow logo Smile, and Jamison.



Dancing with ice put down my pants

Giant swing at the front

Referee Jersey and trying to get people to wear it.

The girl with braces that wanted to take pictures of us.


Here is a fun hammock picture, and I slept well that night. Really well.

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