After Work Beer and BDay


What is funny about walking to work is how it feels like I am going to school. I see the same people walking everyday. There is the anti-social girl who always walks 15 feet away from the stop lights when it is red.


For lunch, I have been eating more salad, the bad side affect is that I can’t drink as much beer.


After work we went to Beer Revolution to drink beers in the city. That place has awesome drinks, and the place was pretty well packed. We also ordered some appetizers from souley vegan.


We tired this new beer from a brewery in alameda, called Faction Brewery. It tasted really good, and we also met Tavis’s girlfriend. She is a world traveler, her mandarin is good, and she has lived in france, malaysia, taiwan, hong kong, germany and switzerland. It was really cool talking to her.

Then we had dinner at a pho place, then took Bart back. I ended up barting to fremont to go to la pinata to celebrate our friend’s Birthday. I have never actually been to the Fremont Bart Station, so leaving that place at night is super confusing.


However I was super tired, and I ran out of energy at midnight. So Chosen took me home and I slept well. Smile

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