aacf senior

yesterday was saturday, and it was the aacf senior banquet. It was really great, we had it had some place call “end of the line”, and the underclassmen did a great job in making the place look nice. And some of the seniors came to it all dressed up in costumes. The theme was hawaiian, and Arthur came in a reindeer costume, ivan in a teddy bear, james in a shark, and bryan in a gorilla suit.

And yesterday was really hot, so they all took off their suits after they walked in and took pictures in it. They were all dripping in sweat. Then there were the households that dressed up. Johnny and his posse all dressed up as tacky foreigners. So they left the tags on the stuff they bought, pulled up their socks, and stuff.

Then we did the ritual of doing the sunrise basketball. Which has never reached sunrise since freshman year. This year we got up to around 4:30am, and everyone was tired. I fell asleep just waiting for the game to end.

Then I figured out because my roommate told me. That a lot of the songs that Alby chooses are from United Live. Becuase I could never figure out who wrote those songs. Now it makes sense, becuase he always seems to be hmming either “Salvation is here”, or “Tell the world”

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