Random update

I have been missing from blogging for a while. So I should catch you up on 2 weeks of what I’ve done.

2 weeks ago before valentine’s day, I went to a beer and chocolage festival. It was okay, not enough vendors for the number of people there. I stood in line for 1 hour to get a beer sample. =(




It was inside this hanger in concord, and it was to support that Children’s Learning Center.
Anyway, today I was cleaning up my room at my house and moving stuff all around. I found this blanket and put it on my bed. IMAG0042

It is a blanket from when i was 8 years old that was in storage, bugs bunny and baseball,football, running. =)

Anyway, lets get to my thoughts today. I’ve been talking to my co-workers just about working in general. Like how nothing at work is ever taken personally, and not to have any sadness for going for a different company.

That is always the hardest part, keeping personal friendship and work separate. I never figured that out my first job, so i never kept in touch with those people, however I have been keeping in touch with my other co-workers now.

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