So at chruch tonight, we were preparing a thank you party for one of the retiring core leaders for young adult group Diana. I hope she doesn’t read my blog, but I don’t think she does. I’ll start writing about what we did. We were taking photos with pandas I did a handstand to mimic the panda. If i get a hold of the picture I will show you. =)
Then we changed the lyrics to a taylor swift song and will be singing that for diana.
The “If you could see” is the chorus
Also, I was looking at my workout routine at the acrobatic gym. At work, I have also been checking my body fat in the office, it is really funny because once a week i will stand up randomly and lift up my right shirt and check my blubber. =) Since this is an open office, my engineering co-worker can see me do it sometimes. Shakes his head and goes back to work.
Here is a picture of the fountain outside of the Panera Bread where I had lunch yesterday.
Looking at water makes me reflective, because it is calming. It makes me think of all the stuff life has thrown at me.
I did tell two of my engineering co-workers that I hang out with that I will be turning in my two weeks notice letter tomorrow. So it should be interesting to see what happens.