Maker’s Faire Part 2


This is the cardboard robot man. He had all these arms and legs that he let little kids step in and try to wear. It is pretty cool until it rains Winking smile then you are going to melt and fall down.


Some of these things are just easier to see than explain.IMAG2269_thumb1

Life  Size Mouse Trap


R2-D2 Land. I think all these R2 takes around 1 year to make.


One of my favorite bands is the tesla coil band “Arc Attack”. They actually have a robot dummer now. I watched the keyboarder warm up, and play with the tesla coils, it was really cool. So he played a classical music piece inside the cage, and you saw the coils light up.


Everytime I see this, I think of the wild wild west movie. The rolling ship.


Here is the octopus with the flames. Those flames are super hot, no wonder I want to have a fire pit. Smile It just randomly shoots and moves. Sometimes I wonder what drives people to make something like this. I see absolutely no usefulness in it, except for it looking pretty cool. I guess if you use metal and fire, it is always really cool.

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