Thursday ???

So there were 3 things that happen today that is worth mentioning.

1) I tried to do parkour in the office. Did it on my car during lunch, didn’t make it over on my move, so ended up falling on my hands and slighting cutting myself up. Hardcore Parkour! =)

2) My friend put me down as a job reference but didn’t tell me that. So I get this call from a random phone number. Not sure who it is, and then when I hear the guy talking, it takes me 2 minutes to figure out what is happening. He told me he wants to offer my friend a job, so he wants to check the refereinces. Then the first question is hard, becuase I haven’t worked with my friend really at all, except for the few times we did small stuff together in college. =) Ask me what have you worked on with your friend?

So I call my friend after I got through that reference call. He told me that he had an interview with that company 2 hours earlier in the day and was going to tell me later. He thought the guy would call tomorrow.


3) At church for small group, for our ice breaker we started playing the game of law school. We are not sure why the 2nd grade children sunday school has this board game on their shelf.

It was really funny because we got the first 2 “true/false” questions right. So we started saying “we can do law easily”. =) However we went to other questions and were humbled by them. =)

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