Hard work

Working on the house is hard work. I sometimes feel like this is going to happen to me. =)


There was the front door light, and it worked for a while. Then all of a sudden it didn’t work. My friend, dad and I spent an hour trying to figure out why the switch did not work. After a lot of working out, we found out that whoever wired up the switch had wired it wrong. Left a wire not attached, and wired one that didn’t work into it.

As for that squirrel, I saw it in front of my car as I was wailing on the guitar in the park. =)

What else did I do on saturday? I went out to the real eats festival in Oakland.



Went to get a beer to start off, because I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch. And I was going to go to parkour class at 1:45. So I had to get some carbs into me, so i have a beer. =)

Also had some “Chairman Bao” the pork belly. It was really good, and the line was 30 minutes long. But the funny story was that I once met a girl named Stella, who’s said “my cute friend is the cashier on the truck”. So there was a cute cashier, and I asked if she knew who Stella was. Guess she did know who it was.

I was out there with Dana & Dennis, Joylynn & Ben, Jaime and her friend Lydia.

During our parkour class, we were learning how to jupm off the bar. Trying to jump like in the movie/game “Price of persia”. I was working on learning how to release at the highest point and push off and land with a cat grip on a block 6 feet away. It took a while to learn how to swing my hips high enough to let go and then fly forward. =) It looks pretty cool once i got it down.

I’ll tell the story about what happend with my 2 weeks notice from work in person, if anyone asks me. I just don’t want to write about it on here. =) But it is an awesome story.

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