Cuatro De Cinco


Hahahah, to celebrate cinco de mayo. Smile Joe And Pedro held a “cinco de cuatro” event. It was a super good time.  We drank some corona and hit a pinata. The pinata had these candy, it had a hint of red chili on top of it. So it wsa really sweet but had a tamrind flavoring.


This was Pedro’s Special Beans and Meat.





The corn was awesome, it was mayonese and pepper.


Then we sang the pinata song as we tried to hit it. They had until the end of the song to hit it.

Dale, dale, dale,
no pierdas el tino;
Porque si lo pierdes
pierdes el camino.
Ya le diste una,
ya le diste dos;
Ya le diste tres,
y tu tiempo se acabó

I did eventually get to hit, but the pinata was mostly destroyed. It went from youngest to oldest. Smile

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