Old Sacramento

I left for sacramento after the softball game on monday. So when I went to meet edris at his place, I didn’t realize that he had gone to the dentist. The dentist gave him some fillings, so he was knocked out. Because of that, when I called him, he never picked up.

Then I get to his place, and I was having a hard time finding his house. I kept on driving around in circles around the street. There were a couple boys just sitting on a bench … I hope I didn’t freak them out.

But I do find my friend’s place, and when I call him, ring his doorbell, but he doesn’t pick up. So I walk around the house, and I can see that his tv is on and espn is there. I was thinking about knocking on the window, but that would be too scary. So I just yell “hey E, are you awake?” Finally he wakes up. Smile

We end up eating in downtown sacramento and a sushi place called bento box. The waitresses were so nice and cute.

Then we end the night watching episodes of blind date. Awesome watching some of the date disasters.





So I met up with Oks at old sacramento. I have never been here, and E said it was pretty cool. So that is the train museum building on top.


It is pretty cool how it has that old wild west feel. With updated restaurants and food places. But the benches are pretty cool. Looks like giant pallettes, and there were hitching posts for horses. Smile Maybe I should ride a horse into there.


That is right in front of the visitor building


For some reason, I love places like this. Where it is a opening that is below street level. Kind of like in “the rock”, where I can look down at everyone down there drinking.


More pictures




Then we went to eat at Rio City Café, that place has a nice view of the american river. The food was not too bad, I had a au jour beef brisket sandwich. Smile


Then I went to the railroad museum. It is cool that the train has gov. stanford name on it. Hmm creating the first locomotive, and then making stanford university. Smile


More trains.


They had sounds of trains, and real life noises, and rumbles inside it. Kind of cool


Then I went biking, this spot right here has the best view of the sunset. That was what I was old. So next time I am here around sunset, I am walking over here.


This green bridge was where I road my the street cruiser over.


It was around a good 10 mile ride, and we did take a detour and went through a trail that was more for running instead of biking. So we kept on hitting bushes, so we went back onto the real trails.

Then I also watched the great gatsby. It was really pretty, and it was after watching the movie that I remember the book. How with the book, I wanted to hate everyone, in the movie  I liked leonardo dicaprio.

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